Colab Cardiac Club
Heart disease is a lifelong condition which cannot be ignored. With the help of our exercise program, we can help you manage your health and get you on your way to living your life to the fullest!
About Colab Cardiac Club
At Colab cardiac club our main focus is supporting people with heart disease to live healthier and more active lives.
Our exercise program will help cardiac compromised clients to
Avoid hospital admissions due to poor heart health
Maintain a healthy weight
Improve confidence with exercise
Maintain independence within the community
Eligibility Criteria:
Suitable for people 50 years and over with a cardiac condition, post cardiac surgery or with risk factors such as…
High blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity
Cardiovascular disease
Heart attack
Following coronary artery bypass surgery
Following heart valve replacement surgery
Group program set-up and fees:
Week 1
Initial assessments for Colab Cardiac Club will take 45 minutes and will be 1-to-1 with our exercise physiologist
$115.00 (once off assessment)
Weeks 2-11
Classes 45 minutes 4-to-1
$40.00 (per session)
Week 12
Follow up 30 minute appointment 1-to-1
$89.00 (reassessment of initial outcome measures and goals)
Cardiac Club runs every Tuesday 2:00pm and Thursday 10:30am
What is involved in the initial assessment?
When you have decided to take the first step and begin the Colab Cardiac Club program, you will first complete an initial assessment with our exercise physiologist. This assessment will take 45 minutes during which your therapist will discuss your current health, and cover questions related to your condition, treatment and medications. We will also ask you about your current level of function and what activities or jobs you do or would like to do that you might not be able to at this time. This will allow us to gain a better understanding of you as a person so that we can guide the program to meet your needs.
Outcome measures will be taken including resting heart rate, blood pressure and weight. We will also complete some exercise related outcome measures to be used as a tool for reassessment at the week 12 individual appointment. Tracking client progress is essential for ensuring improvements are being made and goals are being met for greater client satisfaction of the program.
Can I attend Colab Cardiac Club on an ongoing basis?
After the week 12 assessment, you can restart the program with your outcome measures again being assessed in a 1-to-1 appointment after 10 weeks of exercise.
Do I need medical clearance from my GP to attend Colab Cardiac Club?
A pre-exercise screening test will be completed prior to you starting the program. If required, we will request a medical clearance from your GP or specialist before you begin the program.
Can I start the exercises classes without doing the initial assessment?
No, the initial assessment is vital for client safety and is important for the practitioner to gain an understanding of your medical history, current level of function and needs so that you can get the most out of the program.
I have Exercise Physiology cover with my health insurance, can I claim my insurance with the Colab Cardiac Club program?
If you have exercise physiology included in your private health cover, you can claim for each service on the day of your appointment or class. (We can only claim same day payments using our HICAPS machine on site).
One-On-One exercise options available:
We can also accommodate for 1:1 exercise instead of group classes if preferred at a cost of $70 per 30 minute session. Note, you will still have to complete the initial assessment and outcome review sessions if completing the individual (1-to-1) exercise program.
To ask more information on how Cardiac Club can help you please contact us via the button below: